Monday, January 14, 2013

Two Months Removed

In five days, it will be two months since my last chemo treatment. Today was my first checkup since December 3 when I found out I was in remission. 

The day did not start out well and progressively got worse before getting better. I woke up feeling exhausted. It was cold and wet outside. I wanted nothing more than to crawl back under the covers and go back to sleep. But, I did my best to stay awake and spend my time with God. I even managed to have my quiet time without falling asleep!

Today, I learned a valuable lesson about the importance of that quiet time. I may not hear God's voice as often as I would like. When I don't hear from Him, I start to wonder why I bother. What purpose does it serve? Now I know. I may not hear His voice, but the quiet, the stillness, the anticipation of being in His presence calms me and prepares me for the day. It is better than starting the day feeling rushed or flustered. Did I ever need that peace today!

I cannot get into what happened and I would not want to even if I could. Let's just say that this is the worst day I have had at work since being promoted to Assistant Chief. They say rank has it's privileges and maybe so, but being in a position of authority can also be extremely difficult. 

I left work early to go to my six week checkup. I had not been nervous about it until I pulled into the parking garage. All the familiar sights and smells came rushing back and I felt a combination of emotions: fear that my blood levels may not be good, relief that I was not there for treatment, sadness knowing there were people receiving treatment at that very moment. 

Everything went very well. I have not gained or lost any weight. That was exciting in and of itself. I was a bit worried about holiday weight gain. 

My red and white blood cells are both up and looking really good!

I asked if I can start flossing and using mouth wash again and if I can see a dentist. I'm past due for a checkup and I really miss flossing. He said yes.

I know I can teach my self defense class, but I cannot participate, meaning I need others to do the demonstrations. However, there is a RAD conference in San Antonio in July. I want to go. Will I be able to participate by then? If my blood levels keep looking this good, absolutely!!!

Facial hair. I love that my hair is growing back, but it's growing back everywhere! The hair on my face is very fine and light. You have to be right up on me to really notice, but it is there. It is obvious once you see it. He explained that it's like a newborn. They are born with hair all over their bodies. That falls out and their regular hair grows in it's place. Should be like that for me. It should eventually fall out. 

Can I wax it? My blood levels are doing well enough to allow for waxing!

My hands are swollen and my knuckles get stiff. My right hand and wrist is worse than the left. Sometimes, my knuckles lock up. At night, they get so stiff that I cannot use my hands. I have to use my thumbs to pull off the covers and open the house door to let Bailey out in the morning. Hot water usually loosens them up. He thinks it's because of disuse. I have spent six months doing next to nothing. The muscles are just adjusting to working so much. I spend a lot of time at the computer. The fact that my right hand, my dominant hand, hurts worse, makes this more likely. 

Sores in my nose. I had similar sores before and during treatment. Just want to make sure it's okay that I'm still getting them. Yes it is. As a matter of fact, had I told them about it sooner, they could have given me something to treat them. If I get more, they suggested I contact them. 

The doctor also filled out my medical release form for the trainers at Belmont so I can start working out again. I can workout with limitations - my hands and port in my chest. The doctor did suggest that light hand exercises will help with the pain. 

After my doctor visit, I got my port flushed out. It was sad seeing familiar faces in their treatment chairs. It was nice catching up with the nurses, though. 

I plan on posting a photo of me every six weeks so that everyone can keep up with my progress. Everyone at the doctor's office was impressed with how fast my hair is growing back. I'm just tickled that I have eyelashes and eyebrows again. Like I told the doctor, I'm not terribly concerned about the facial hair right now. It's not like I'm wanting to date or anything!

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