Friday, November 9, 2012

After Election Update

I usually hate voicing my political beliefs and I may regret this later when my brain is not so foggy, but I got a very strange email yesterday from a friend who accused me of deleting her as a friend on facebook because she did not vote for Romney. I think either her email or facebook or my email or facebook was hacked. First of all, I have not been on facebook and have not deleted any friends. Second, I'm not that petty.

I have to say, I am glad the elections were during chemo week. I fell asleep before the president was elected to a second term and I was not on facebook or watching the news to see all the hoopla about how shocked the Romney supporters were. (I saw only enough news to know who won!) I came out of this election cycle subdued and rather accepting. I don't know if I would have been angrier had I not been foggy brained, but I would like to think not.

I suppose I quit caring who won long before the actual election. I know this statement will make a few people upset. I saw the good and bad in both men and knew that the final decision was not ours, but God's alone. He would ultimately decide who would become our next president. How, then, can I be angry with His choice? Will Obama sink our country the way people fear? Maybe. Maybe not. If he does, that, too, is part of God's ultimate plan.

The way I see it, change starts with the individual. If I don't like something, I need to do something about it other than whine that my guy didn't get elected. For now, though, I choose to wait and see what Obama can and will do now that he does not have to worry about winning an election.

I know this is partly chemo brain talking. I am still not clear headed, but I do believe it is better for us all to embrace our chosen leader. A house divided against itself cannot stand. The polls showed just how divided our country is. In my humble opinion, with a country that divided, Romney could not have done any better in the white house than Obama has done. The cards are stacked against him. What this election has shown us is just how much trouble we, as a country, are in. If we do not find a way to work together, all the Obama critics will find themselves in a self-fulfilling prophecy. We will lose our country.

So, what is the answer? I have no idea. All I know is that we should start working together somehow. I'll leave the details to those who don't have chemo brain!!!

Other than this being an election week, I've been doing okay. I have been able to poop without pain!!! I have not had any major nausea or stomach pains. I have had chemo brain and my body is weak. My shoulders and neck are sore. My mood is still up. Overall, it has not been a bad chemo week.

Brad has spent most of the week with me. He got a gig in Alabama tonight so he could not be with me today. That's okay, though. I have been attempting to get some work done. Anything I try takes me at least three times longer than it normally would because my brain is slow, but at least I feel like trying.

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