Written Jul 13, 2012 9:13am by Renee Albracht
So, I only lasted one mile during my workout yesterday. My muscles were tense. When I started to run, my calves and butt muscles were on fire! I continued to run the quarter of a mile, but started my cool down immediately afterwards. Today, my calves are very tight! Gonna have to give them some time to recuperate before I start again! But, considering I basically started from the bottom, not a bad week. I intend to at least walk a bit even on the days I'm not feeling too great.
Yesterday, I went to our monthly Crime Stoppers meeting. Representatives from area universities, police departments, and hospitals get together to discuss crime trends. If a suspect is seen in one location, chances are, he will be seen in another. This organization has helped each other catch bad guys. I love it!
Anyway, I was in the hospital last month during the meeting. My boss had told them all about it. It was great how much love and support I got from this group also, some of whom I only see once a month. Selene, my friend and fellow crime prevention worker from another area university, told me that her husband had cancer twelve years ago. His was rough. No stomach. Whereas I have just felt like I could get sick, he actually threw up and had bad diarrhea a lot. He told her to tell me not to eat my favorite foods during chemo because I will lose a taste for it afterwards! I joked and said I suppose I won't like ice cream anymore because that's what the doctors told me to eat when I had my mouth sores.
Seriously, though. I have noticed things that already make me sick just by association. I saw a picture on facebook of a family member in the hospital. Seeing the bed and medical supplies in the back made me feel a bit sick to my stomach. If I try to read my book on how to treat symptoms or what drugs may cause what symptoms, I feel sick to my stomach. If I think about my next chemo treatment, I feel sick to my stomach. That is another reason why I am trying so hard to work hard, work out hard, and edit my book and read. I need to keep busy while I feel well so I don't think about the next treatment or next round of symptoms I may experience.
That was about the extent of my day. Not very exciting. Tomorrow, Saturday, I am planning a work free and cancer free day to help de-stress me and Mike. We are getting massages in the afternoon. (My doctor said I can still get them as long as they are soft massages and not deep tissue. The facility needed him to fax something to them saying it was okay.) Then, we are going to have a cheesecake night! Before I got sick, my friends and I would go to dinner somewhere then go to the Cheesecake Factory for cheesecake. Sometimes, we would see a movie as well. These have always been special times for me, but it's been four months or more so we are doing it again Saturday!
There is to be absolutely no mention of work or cancer. Mike is not allowed to wear a frown. Smiles only. AND...I am turning off my phone. No calls or texts to see how I am doing. That is a way of mentioning that I have cancer! I am super excited!
One final note for the day, I wanted to take this time to thank everyone who has left messages for me on this site. I wish there was a way, like on Facebook, where I could comment back. Since I cannot, I just want you all to know that I greatly appreciate it. It means so much to me. Thanks!
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